Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Promised BLOG

So this particular blog was suggested to me by my friends whos names will not be revealed to the public.

this blog is about DIRTY music..

i honestly think its kinda weird that someone would fall in so much in love with his girlfriends butt, that he needs to reveal all the nasty things he's gonna do her butt when they get some "alone time". Also, when people say things like : " I'm gonna freak you all night long", "i'm gonna ride you" , or even "smack that, till you get sore" its very awkward because when people actually listen to the lyrics, pointless or not they mean something, and to some guys its "arousing" and it could lead to an awkward situation in public, and yes i am talking about "popping a boner"

And just to clarify, i am NOT hatin on the music, i honestly like the music, its good, its creative, but c'mon...set a good example...what if you wrote a song like that and your kids listened to it......he's gonna be pretty weird to some girls cuz for one thing it may turn him more shallow than a puddle of spilled water, and for the second thing, you dont want your kids askin your wife "mommy what does i'm gonna freak you mean?" What you make is music, for it has a beat, rhythm, energy, and it makes some people relax. but be wise about how you write your lyrics...also it may involve doing drugs or like becoming an alchoholic.
i know i sound like the parents from that one riot 20 some years ago. but i'm different. i like the music. :)

and one more thing..........

dang, lost my train of thought.....errmm...later days dudes

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